Note: To read any articles below, please click the headline or photo.
Home Workout and Weight Loss
squats, lunges, sit-ups, planks....which ones, how many, what days? No equipment...just add water. Read here:
Help for Vertigo
Dizzy? Head spins when you change positions? You may have benign Vertigo. There may be help relief for you at home. Read this interesting article:
The Benefits of Napping
Here is a great articles that outlines the various types of napping and how they will benefit your health and wellbeing. I hope you enjoy it!
Seven Tips for a Healthy, Happy Holiday Season
Dr. Danette Cole with Cole Chiropractic and Wellness in Exeter would like to make sure that everyone stays healthy and happy this holiday season. During the holidays, many people forget to take care of themselves as they celebrate with family and friends, but Dr. Cole...
Sleep and Relaxation
Here is a great guided meditation to relax and sleep well.
Consider Apple Cider Vinegar for Sinuses
Apple cider vinegar has potent antifungal and antibacterial properties, so it is extremely beneficial in the treatment of sinusitis. Click here to read the full story.